Been a while since a post was made. But hasn't been a while since there's been plenty of chips and sparks flying. Been riding a bunch too. Above is a recent ride we took with our pup Kaya. Found a nice little stump trailside to pop off of and we settled in for a little stump session while trying out our new camera. Fun stuff. Snake driver is still at paint. I came in right at the end of a cycle so its sit and wait for the painter to get enough to justify cranking up the oven. I'm not in a rush, but as long as I have it before snow starts to fall i'll be happy.
Also been building the HELL out of tooling recently. Toolin' up kids. Look out. Heat sinks are 99% finished for bottom bracket, head tube and seat tube. Seat tube is extra long. Check it out. Dig in there and check out all the recent happenin's. Last step will be to slot the two heat sinks and then its moving along to the next piece of tooling: Fork Jig. I'd move on to the frame jig, but I have to make up a pair of forks for the Snake Driver. So we'll use this opportunity to customize a nice piece of tooling for this. Should be fun. Then its go time on 2 forks with one spaced out at 100 and the other at 135 for the Porkfork. THEN GO TIME on the frame jig. This ones going to be pretty fun.
My one big rub with anvil jigs is you can't really take a reference point to determine all subsequent measurements. So this jig will have a base plate that all measurements can be based from. So depending on the temperature in the shop, the jig can be set very precisely. Ted noticed this big difference between his old jig and an anvil jig he was borrowing/lent to try out for a few months. Interesting to compare the two.
But many good things to come so stay tuned...