Been a while. Spring's here in the north and trail cleaning is happening round the clock. Riding is happening round the clock. Building bikes is happening. Heck-building frame jigs and tooling is happening. It's all happening. Just put up a new link on I've been doing a pretty good job of posting plenty of shots on my flickr account. Get in there and start digging for all the latest and greatest. 44 FLICKR.
2 29ers are on the deck right now. Perhaps a 3rd. 29s's basically with some other options thrown in for good measure.
Up above you'll notice that Spring Time is Singlespeed season for the Snakedriver.
Ran into a bunch of riders tonight from New Hampshire Ball Bearing. Heck one of them was even from Lyndeborough. GO FIGURE. Good group of riders and great to meet them. Give me a ring man we'll all have to go for a ride!
29f1 finally got the modified 6 speed treatment to the rear cassette.
Not a completely current shot. But here's the 29f1 prepped just after the snow melted.
I'll be in the shop all day this friday, so keep your eyes peeled for some new shots via the 44 flickr page. Actually go to the main photo stream of my day job (BLACKCAP Studio) and you'll see the latest updates.