
44 BIKES - Moved to Wordpress

Hey Everybody who's reading/following this blog-I've moved! The 44 Bikes website got a facelift for starters-check it out! AND this blog has been moved to a wordpress format. So much more power/options on the Wordpress platform. All the posts were archived and moved to the new 44 wordpress blog as well so you can still see all the old content as it appears here but you can follow along with all the new happenings as I build up the shop at my house. I hope to have that finished sometime in the spring/early summer of 2011. Thus with this change, I will no longer be posting to this blog. I'll keep this here as an archive for the next few months, but eventually I will take it down in favor of the new format. You can still check out all kinds of good stuff via the 44 FLICKR too. I'll be adding an online shop to the site later this year, so check the 44 Shop occasionally for updates, downloads and some select exclusives.

So get on over to the new 44 BLOG!



Lot's going on over here in the studio. It's been a while but you'll really want to hear what's going on. So this past summer I've decided to put time/effort into getting my shop ready here in New Hampshire. Some upgrades to our current service needed to be done so that the shop can get some high power juice. That involved HAND DIGGING a 160ft. trench. Uphill. Both ways. That's finished, and all the 2" pipe has been laid before the winter hit. The line and the rest of the electricals will be finished early spring 2011. Late spring early summer 2011 the shop will get a new floor poured and a full buildout will be in order. I hope to have the first 44 roll out the doors in June of 2011. Keep your fingers crossed!

As for the website, I'm currently putting the finishing touches on a beta site and testing it. So far so good on Internet Explorer 7+, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome and Firefox. I've also got an online shop in the works along with some free downloads. Warranty info, pricing and the fit forms are finished and uploaded to the server. Kind of handy being a designer actually-I can handle all of this and make it exactly how I want it...

I'm also going to be shifting everything over to a Wordpress platform blog as well. I'll preserve this blog with the new WP platform so not to worry. Stay tuned and feel free to email me directly to get on a mailing list for when this stuff starts to roll out: khenry@44bikes.com

Follow along on my flickr feed for the latest rides, builds and happenings around the shop & studio.

As always-keep the rubber side down and the pedals turning.